It's a nifty feature that will email you when an item that is out of stock arrives back in our warehouse.
We try our darnedest to never be out of stock on any items and that can sometimes be challenging with over 50,000 items online. There is always a small percentage that is out of stock from supplier shortages or when a customer buys out our entire stock in an unexpected bulk order.
This online feature was a suggestion a few customers gave us thru our checkout feedback. They wanted to know when an item the saw online that was out of stock - when would it come back. So this feature let's customers who click the button know immediately when we receive the new stock in our warehouse. They are literally emailed within minutes of arrival on out loading docks so they can place an order that day.
So far customer seem to be really enjoying the feature. We will also continue to monitor stock and do our best to keep out out of stock items to as low as possible.