Thursday, April 3, 2014

Time for some schooling.

Today I was in Seattle for a fantastic 2 day finance class called Profit Mastery.
It is a course put on by Steve Lefever an ex banker who has developed an in depth finance course for executives who want to understand finance.

This will be the second time I have taken his course and the tools he teaches are as relevant for a fortune 50 CFO as they are for Lykki. Along for the trip I brought my friend Bret who owns a fast growing and successful company called Mini Bins Bret was a bit apprehensive when I invited him but on the first hour of the first day he already had solved a lingering issue in his business so I know he received great value.

If you own a business or know someone in business who reads financials as part of their job then I suggest attending Profit Mastery.
