Last week was hectic but so very rewarding as we switched our branding and company name from Costless Express to Lykki. I was quite anxious what customers would say about the change so I asked all our staff to send any comments directly to me. I also made sure that on the letter we sent to thousands of customers that my contact information was present so they could connect with me if they had any thoughts to share.
I was so happy to get unfiltered and direct communication from customers and suppliers who reached out to me after the launch. The response was overwhelmingly positive and encouraging - although, one email stood out for me. It was very candid and the customer had an opinion to share. I knew a small handful of customers may not like the name, and here was one sitting in my in box. I needed to reply quickly and sat at my desk, head sunk low thinking about how I would handle the customer email in a tactful Lykki way.
What I finally wrote in my email was heart felt. I had been saddened all week that after 24 years under the name Costless Express, a little part of me was now gone forever. So, I loved knowing we had a passionate customer in Mary who still prefers to hold the torch for our old name.
Thank you Mary for carrying the Costless Express torch. It means the world to me.
Here is our email exchange:
On Jan 15, 2013, at 2:43 PM, Mary wrote:
Really, Lykki? I think that’s the most stupidest name ever, Like seriously? Who approved of that name? at first we thought this was a joke!! Turns outs it’s not!
I will continue to call you costless express.
Howdy Mary,
Thanks for the feedback. Costless Express is still a name near and dear in my heart too. I created the name over 24 years ago and it stood for my idea of bringing office supplies to customers "cheap and fast".
Over the years a wonderful thing happened to our company that I feel has made us so special in the hearts and minds of our employees and customers. We grew into a company with a passion and soul to treat all people with respect and have a little fun along the way. We realized we were not just a company selling office supplies but more about creating a little happiness in the world as we came to work each day.
So after much reflection I decided to find a company name that celebrated what we stood for. Lykki is a name I created. Inspired by the Danish word Lykke the word for happiness, I felt this name would be easy to remember and fun to say.
I understand if you still call us by our old name. It feels nice actually to have a customer who loves my original company name and will carry the flame of memories past.
Regardless of what we are called, our commitment is to offer you a great service and I appreciate your candid feedback.