Monday, March 12, 2012

Necessity is the mother of invention

Gord, rocking the Viking horns

Necessity is the mother of invention

Meaning: Difficult situations inspire ingenious solutions.

Each Monday at exactly 10:07am, we hold our company-wide huddle for all the Costless team. Well, almost all. Since we run our warehouse 24/7, there are team members who are working different shifts and miss out on all the juicy details announced during the huddle.
So... we video each huddle and post it internally on our company intranet for easy watching later. Gord, our warehouse manager (he's the one in the viking horns) was wondering if the other team members at night were watching the videos so he came up with a GREAT IDEA!
Gord places the horns on one random person at the huddle and then asks the night team to email him "who was wearing the horns".
Gord, you have a great way of adding a bit of wacky fun into an every day task. Kudos Gord the Great!