Wednesday, January 9, 2008

An Inconvenient Truth

An Inconvenient TruthToday I was at an EO (Entrepreneurs Organization) function with my friend David Chalk. I have high respect for David as he is one of the most successful and recognized technologists in Canada. He can be seen on TV, Air Canada Flights and in numerous magazines including my favorite, the COSTCO Connection.

David is hired to speak on several topics for large companies and when he said he was becoming more involved on the topic of Global Warming and Carbon Emissions I was ecstatic. We had a great discussion, chatting about the Al Gore movie An Inconvenient Truth. David also is a close friend with Robert Safrada the CEO of NOVEX COURIERS and offered to introduce up together. NOVEX is the leading courier company in Canada for environmental responsibility. I am looking forward to meeting him. Thanks Dave!

I suggest for anyone wanting to learn more about global warming, to watch An Inconvenient Truth. I can see why Al Gore received a Nobel Prize. Go to to learn more.
