So excited to be launching some new initiatives thru our Lykki For Good Charity.
1:1 Water - For every dollar you spend, Lykki will donate 1 liter of clean safe water to a person in need
1:1 Fruit - For every piece of fruit you purchase, Lykki will donate 1 piece of fruit to a person in need
We have donated 600,000 liters of water and 8,000 pieces of fruit last month and we are just getting started. Both programs took effect January 1st 2017.
Our giving focus for these new programs is Cristo Rey Nicaragua. Our team traveled there February 2016 to build homes and we knew we needed to do more. In December 2016 we returned and set up 1:1 Fruit and 1:1 water.
We promise to share so much more as we build momentum.
Thank you for all your support!!