Friday, December 28, 2012
Happy Camper
Now here is someone who works happy!
Just wandering thru the offices during this quiet week. Love the Christmas Spirit Lisa!!!
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Gifts That Don't Suck
It's nice to know I can still find my wife a Christmas gift that she likes and vice versa.
Today one gift we gave each other really made us laugh. You see, we each had the exact same idea for a gift - the "Happiness Molecule".
The Happiness Molecule is a design based on the serotonin molecule, a neurotransmitter that interacts with receptors in the brain to induce feelings of happiness, satiation and relaxation.
Sandy gave me a nice framed picture and I gave her a hand made necklace from an artist called Raven out of Hawaii I found on Etsy. Her company is called "made with molecules."
Merry Christmas.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Serendipity means a "happy accident" or "pleasant surprise"; specifically, the accident of finding something good or useful while not specifically searching for it.
I love this word. To me its a way of being, a state of mind, kind of like an internal radar looking for "happy accidents". But, if you don't have the radar on you wont find them.
Case in point. Today I was out for a bike ride alone while on our family vacation in Maui. Serendipitously I was caught on the side of the road as a Christmas motorcycle parade approached.
The road was narrow and I pulled my bike off the side the best I could and then pulled out my iPhone to film. What happened next was just so cool. As I filmed I received waves and honks and smiles as the hundreds of bikers rode by.
It was great to just sit there and soak up all the positive energy. As my 6 year old would say - my bucket was totally full!
Then as fast as it started, it was over..........silence. I got back on my bike and headed quietly on my way. Cool.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Mind Your Wake
that time of year again for my favorite movie "It's a Wonderful Life". The
reason I love this movie so much is because of what I call your
the movie, everything we do or don't do in our life has an impact on other
people far more than we can ever realize. The movie is all about George Bailey
being shown the size of his wake and what a positive impact he made on others,
or in some cases because he wasn't there he made no impact at all. I think our
wakes are much bigger than we can ever imagine. Like a boat cutting thru still
water there is a large wake spreading out that will ripple long after we have
moved on.
our Wake is something we talk about in our company and are conscious of. When
you have a group of people mindful of their wake and making positive ripples,
some pretty great things can happen.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Giving Back
was our annual "Give Back" Event. It's an opportunity for our company to support
the less fortunate on the downtown east side.
year we were able to leverage some of our suppliers who donated product that
helped fill over 2500 care packages for us to hand
our group of 100+ strong headed out on the streets there was a fantastic speech
given to by Sister Nancy from Covenant House and her message of being involved
at any level helps build the bridge of understanding and tear down the stigma
that surrounds the less fortunate.
It was
an impact full evening that was far reaching for many of the participants. I
would like to share a email string I read the next morning from Shawn our VP of
eCommerce below.
Hi friends,
I sent an email a couple weeks back about the far reaching effects of our reputation and the impact our actions have in ways we are often unaware of. Calvin, as our leader, gives us a venue and a platform to "Live, Love, Laugh and Learn" both in the work-place and in our personal lives. Last night with the EO event on the downtown Eastside, we directly impacted lives - not just of those poor souls on the streets, but our own...and this truly is the gift we have been given. I've spoken with many of you today, and I know that you were profoundly impacted. I believe that all 4 of our core values were strongly in evidence last night. I congratulate you all and I applaud Calvin for providing us with this opportunity.
Broadening the scope and the impact of the event though, I wanted to add this email that I received today from Ron Lee. Ron's daughter Madison plays on the soccer team I coach. Ron is a high school educator in the Coquitlam school board. He came with both Madison and his 9 year old daughter Taylor.
Here is what he wrote to me:
Thank you for the tremendous opportunity that you gave to my children and the rest of the girls. This is not a soccer lesson, but a life lesson. The impact that you have and the the experiences that you give the girls (yesterday and soccer), helps shape them for today, tomorrow, and forever. I heard the word "sad" at least three times last night and what it showed is that the girls where effected in some way. We as adults, are a beacon to opportunities for our children to experience. I wish discussion takes place with the girls and their parents as these moments become the "teachable moments" that we look at during school. It's not just the experience, but where we go from here. I know that Madison respects you and I am sure that your words have meaning.
I have spent the first 10 minutes of every one of my PE classes today discussing what I saw and how students can make an impact (to remember being kind to one another or helping with food hampers at school).
Once again, THANKS from the Lee family.
Remember, that we have 364 other days during the year to support, encourage, respect and treat people without judgement. I'm sure that you feel as I do, that I took more than I gave last night - that's the beauty of selflessness, and doing good for others.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Best Workplaces
It was
our first year entering our company and we were excited to see where we stood
against some of the
winners like Nurse Next Door and HootSuite. The process actually starts in May
with in depth executive interviews and surveys of the company employees and
entries are verified and graded for best practices and the highest scores are
announced at the gala.
For a
first try we did great I thought - Placing 4th overall in our category and 2nd
specifically on culture.
year we'll shoot for #1.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Filling an invisible bucket
I wasn't sure
what he was talking about so I asked him to explain and he blew me away with his
said he thinks people have an invisible bucket filled with "good stuff" and
sometimes when a persons bucket gets low he likes to help people fill theirs
back up.
I had
never head him talk about this before and it wasn't something we taught him. It
was just the way he saw the world and other people and it made my heart
asked him how he filled other peoples buckets and he said with hugs or helping
people pick up things they dropped. He is such an inspiration and our family
will definitely use the "bucket" idea to make sure everyone we come in contact
with is topped up.
Such a
simple and yet impactful idea of how to spread a little happiness in the
world. Sometimes letting ourselves think more like a child creates the best
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Sailing Away
Shawn Nabil and I are flying home today after being on an
executive team building retreat for the past 2 weeks in the British Virgin
Islands. Although entirely my idea, the guys jumped at the chance to build on
our strong management team camaraderie and exercise our core values of living a
remarkable life.
I know it will be hard for people to believe we could
actually do any work in this environment, but it really is an amazing experience
to live in close quarters and manage all the duties and responsibilities of
cooking, planning and sailing a large boat together. Tasks like anchoring or
pulling the sails takes team work and we couldn't help but come out of the
experience as a well oiled management machine, relaxed, in sync, and raring to
blast off when we get back.
I would love to take other staff on similar team building
adventures in the future. Nabil and I have contacts in Africa who drill water
wells and build schools and are looking into December 2013 as a possible trip
date for 4-6 staff or possibly customers too. Anyone interested in expanding
their remarkable life experiences??
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Happy Halloween
Thanks to the Culture Club for the Costume Contest prizes and Pumpkin Carving.
Great job Bryan on the fun video too. Sorry I missed the
party, as Shawn, Nabil, and I were on our Executive Retreat but here is my entry
from the Halloween Party at Foxys Bar on Jost Van Dyke in the British Virgin
Monday, October 22, 2012
Let's Get Real
Real Time Inventory that is.
Today we quietly rolled out another feature to our website. The link of our inventory to display online. Now customers can see what we have in stock and make buying decisions based on this and avoid an out of stock on their order. It's pretty cool to see we have 1000 boxes of Oreos or 500 bags of pistachios or 8000 boxes of paper clips in real time. The idea is when a customer sees there is zero stock available, they can choose a suggested replacement built into the logic of the website and displayed below the out of stock item. We spend hundreds of hours designing the feature and we hope customers like it.
Today we quietly rolled out another feature to our website. The link of our inventory to display online. Now customers can see what we have in stock and make buying decisions based on this and avoid an out of stock on their order. It's pretty cool to see we have 1000 boxes of Oreos or 500 bags of pistachios or 8000 boxes of paper clips in real time. The idea is when a customer sees there is zero stock available, they can choose a suggested replacement built into the logic of the website and displayed below the out of stock item. We spend hundreds of hours designing the feature and we hope customers like it.
Shawn is the chief architect on the site and his team will
continue to make improvements to the site and add new features. Most important
to him is customer feedback so if you have a suggestion or pet peeve you would
like him to know about please contact him at and he would be happy to
Friday, October 19, 2012
Silicon Valley
Along with my EO Vancouver Chapter of 82 Entrepreneurs, we hit Silicon Valley
for a whirlwind tour of some of the most exciting and influential companies in
the Valley. As I write this, I'm thinking of you the reader who may not be so
excited as I was in seeing these businesses, so I'll keep it short but please
allow my enthusiasm to shine through. To me, Silicon Valley is the Disneyland of
tech business entrepreneurs like me.
We had some very memorable visits to the Apple Campus,
Google, Microsoft, ZenDesk, Kiva and SalesForce. Even during social time at the
hotel we had fantastic speakers like the founder of California Closets and
founder of Grasshopper.
My main takeaway from Silicon Valley was how they all
approached business - it seemed fearless, ready to make mistakes fast, learn,
adjust and then accelerate some more. Oh, and find really smart hard working
people. Everything happened in Dog Years the COO of ZenDesk explained. (He
already built MySQL to a $100mm business then sold it for $1b in under 5
Second takeaway was although culture at the big companies
like Google is legendary for all the cool stuff they offer employees, it's not
that much different than what we already do at Costless, and in some ways I
think we do it better, at least for us. So afterwards I was much less
intimidated that these big legends of the valley had some sort of secret fairy
dust we couldn't duplicate. It was like pulling back the curtain in the Wizard
of Oz - ah ha, yup, OK... Now that I see how it all works and it's not magic,
it's just persistence, vision and hard work - and we can do that in
Friday, October 12, 2012
Working Happy
Our new additional of 4000 sq. ft. of office space sure has come in handy for doing brainstorming sessions. We have a large area dedicated to just that task. With white boards, flip chart paper and a projector we have a blast gathering people to toss out crazy ideas and see what sticks.
Today we were looking for tag line ideas. In the past we
have used tag lines such as More Than Just Office Supplies, IT'S EASY BEING
GREEN, and recently trademarked Work Happy. Although we love Work Happy, it is more of our Mantra than a
tag line so we wanted something that had Office Supplies in the line. Our result
out of hundreds of great ideas, and a few beers later was "Delivering Office
Supply Happiness".
Yeah, I'm happy with that :-)
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Setting new heights
Every year, I go on a retreat with my EO Forum mates. Last
year, we were in Memphis for the FedEx tour. This year we traveled to... rainy downtown Vancouver. We decided to stay local, since one
member of our forum was expecting a child birth any day.
Our agenda was focused on Heath and Goal Planning. Both
important in my books.
First, for health, we all took a full body scan that
determines bone density, muscle and fat percentages. My personal results were
not quite what I expected. I thought I was in pretty good shape. Over the
summer I really kicked my health up a gear with a better diet & yoga, and I was able
to drop 25 pounds, so I feel pretty trim. Not so on the scan, said the clinical
tech, as my 6 foot frame should not be at 195lb with over 30% body fat — but
instead I should be at 22% BF and about 175. Fine, a new goal to
So that brings me to the second part of our retreat agenda.
Goal Setting.
Every year we set our goals for business, personal and family. Then throughout the year we report monthly to the group on our progress. In preparation, I sit with Sandy and we track our family goals quarterly. It is imperative in my books to have goals and people aligned, or it will be impossible to achieve them. Goal setting can be as simple or complex as you make it, and there are lots of books on the subject, but in my eyes I set goals I'm passionate about and will do whatever it takes to achieve, or else is it just a "nice to have" and not a goal?
Our retreat was mostly held in a boardroom at the Terminal
City Club, but we did find time to get out for some exercise and team building
at Rock Space.
Do you set goals each year for yourself and if so do you
share them with others and allow them to hold you accountable?
Saturday, September 29, 2012
A Wild Time!
I want to personally recognize all the staff who came out, it was an incredible team building event with the confident ones helping the less confident climbers and everyone shouting encouragement from the tree tops to each other. One person in particular who stood our was Chris, as she was quite nervous at the whole idea of swinging through the trees and zip-lining from platform to platform, but she amazed us all by completing the entire course, including the black diamond (most difficult) section. Woot Woot to everyone!!
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Culture Club strikes again
Let me stand up here and give a round of applause to our Culture Club. Staff who volunteer their time to put on cool and fun events for our company. Kudos for all your hard work!!
The Culture Club recently posted an upcoming event at
WildPlay September 29th, and just finished pulling off an awesome Panini Party
in the Parking Lot. Last few months included Italian Soda Days, Driver
Appreciation Pancake Breakfast and pizza days.
The Panini Party in the Parking Lot was in appreciation of
our Purchasing department, who work so hard to keep our warehouse stocked to the
brim with all the great stuff we sell everyday. The purchasing department was
also decorated and the gals were given tiaras to wear. I loved the selection of
meats, cheeses and other fabulous ingredients ready to make paninis. The Culture
Club keeps out doing itself with unique events and everyone can't wait for the
next one - WildPlay!!
Friday, September 14, 2012
End of Year All Hands Meeting
Not only did we have Mary and Brian, our two newest managers
in attendance, we were happy to see Lucas from our warehouse, who's been off with an
injured knee. It really felt like a big family party with music, drinks and lots
of food. The energy was fantastic, decorations were super fun and the games and
prizes were just plain crazy.
![]() |
Calvin, back when it all started! |
The highlight of our All Hands Meeting was the passing out
of our Profit Sharing cheques to each employee. Thanks to everyone for another
successful year and sharing a large portion with our staff is very satisfying
for Sandy and I. TEAM - Together Everyone Achieves More is our saying, and it's
true we all worked as a team caring for our customers and delivering a memorable
WOW service each and every day. Well done everyone.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
There's Something about Mary
Our goal over the summer was to recruit a world class Sales
Manager. We used LinkedIn, personal networks and a recruiting firm to find us a
candidate who had vast past experience and can take our business over the $20
million mark in sales.
When the recruiting company called a few weeks ago
explaining they had a candidate that we must take a look at, I was optimistic,
although there was a big BUT. This candidate was, in essence, way overqualified
for our company. She had a stellar history, time and again, of building successful
teams of up to 600 people in large fortune 100 companies and fast growth
companies. Also, she was a trained team building and motivation coach working
with successful business executives all over the country.
I agree, the opportunity to add significant growth and sales experience to
our management team is exactly what we are looking for, but why would this
candidate consider joining our small entrepreneurial (and sometimes kooky)
First, let me jump ahead and say we hired Mary. Now for the explanation of
why it was a great fit.
Mary had built a significant and successful career in the large corporate world, and that was where she found her passion for nurturing and building great teams and individuals who had the "will" to be successful but lacked some of the "skill." Mary loved seeing her talents put to use changing the lives of people passionate to learn from her coaching. So she made a very conscious choice to leave the bustling corporate world with all its perks (and bureaucracy) to focus her energy on a smaller organization where she could see the immediate fruits of her labor. She was also very conscious about her personal happiness and life balance (hmm, sound a bit like me and our core values??) And in turn we were looking for someone who has "been to the big show" and could help us become a larger organization with the experience of being there.
Mary had built a significant and successful career in the large corporate world, and that was where she found her passion for nurturing and building great teams and individuals who had the "will" to be successful but lacked some of the "skill." Mary loved seeing her talents put to use changing the lives of people passionate to learn from her coaching. So she made a very conscious choice to leave the bustling corporate world with all its perks (and bureaucracy) to focus her energy on a smaller organization where she could see the immediate fruits of her labor. She was also very conscious about her personal happiness and life balance (hmm, sound a bit like me and our core values??) And in turn we were looking for someone who has "been to the big show" and could help us become a larger organization with the experience of being there.
In turn, I think we offer Mary a solid company in its 24th
year of business, and thousands of customers who love us and a corporate culture
that is anything but Fortune 100. A solid foundation with a strong existing
management team for her to fit right in with. I know she will be a great fit, and
together we are primed for a fun and rewarding ride of building a great new
Welcome Mary, we are excited to have you write your next
chapter of life with us!
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
New Crew

Bryan worked his way through our intensive 10 step recruiting
process, impressing us all along the way. One memorable moment was when we took
him for Sushi during the final selection process. As we ordered "the same old
sushi," Bryan challenged us to be adventurous and try something new. So I
ordered a different dish that was completely different than I would normally
order. When the dish arrived at the table, it was a work of art so amazing in its
presentation Bryan whips out his phone and snaps a pic that he immediately posts
on his Facebook page and Pinterest account, then proceeds to check in on FourSquare and
comment on the dish and sushi spot. His chances of getting the job at that
moment were pretty good, and of course as the story goes, we hired him and here
he is showing the marketing and social media love to all our customers
Welcome Bryan - I'm sure it won't take long 'til we find a
nickname for you.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Happiness is...
Bonus Happiness moment: Letting the next guy know to take my spot as
I drive away - still 1 hour left on the meter.
Sharing the parking meter love :-))
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
You had me at hello.
Have a look at this fantastic job application that came in
recently. Clearly this person had researched our company and knew what it takes
to stand out from a crowd. We are a wacky bunch at Costless and this application
spoke volumes to us and made its way to the top of the pile.
I love it when our culture translates into all things we do
in our company. After seeing this unique and creative application we thought it
would be so much fun to have all our applications sent in to us with a creative
flair by the applicant. Or how about a video application - that would be very
cool too.
Stay tuned, we may just try this on our next round of hiring
and if you would like to work with us here at Costless, you now know how to get
to the top of the job application pile.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Italian Soda Days!
Yummmm - Ice, soda water, flavored syrups - (we stock over
50 flavors) and topped with whipped cream...
Did I say YUMMY!!
Did I say YUMMY!!
Today we gave out some cool Italian Soda gift packs in a
draw to our Facebook Fans. I'm sure we'll make some new friends with gift like
Monday, August 13, 2012
Love Bombs Away!
I first hear of this concept on a blog I was reading some
time back. I wish I could remember the name, but all the same the concept of this
Love Bomb stuck with me until I decided to use it this week.
How a Love Bomb works is you focus the attention (and love)
of many people towards one person, in a concerted effort. Let me explain how it
works by using my recent Love Bomb example.
For the past two years, I have been the Chair of the BC
Children's Retail/Wholesale Council, and Aaron Sanderson has been our fundraising
liaison with the Hospital. He has been instrumental in helping our council raise
record-breaking donations of close to 5 million both years running.
Unfortunately, Aaron announced he was recruited and would be moving to Toronto at
the end of the month. I wanted to do something special for him to show our
thanks, and this is where the Love Bomb idea kicks in.
I emailed our 18-member council, and asked that each person
focus their gratitude toward Aaron on August 13th in whatever fashion
they saw fit. The idea is to have as many people as possible Love Bomb him on one day. So
people from the group did just that, and sent him kind emails, thank you cards,
presents, balloons, gifts and visited his office. Imagine this happening to you,
18 people all showing their love for you on one day. What a memorable day it
would be!
Everyone had a blast dropping the Love Bomb and I plan to do
this again when the next opportunity arises. Can you find an opportunity to try
a Love Bomb?
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
The Bright Side
The offices at Costless have been pretty tight lately to fit all our staff
as we keep growing. With 3 more job postings to fill this month, we have plumb
run out of room. I've been looking for more office space for the past few months,
but my biggest dilemma has been not wanting to split up the staff, since our
family culture is so important. We needed to have extra offices that are within
walking distance from out main building.
I was relieved to find an additional 4000 sq ft in the next building beside
us. We jumped at the opportunity and immediately moved in. With so many bare
walls, we held a brain storming session and plastered the walls with planning
sheets and Post It notes. Boy, is it nice to have some free space to plan and
As I said, culture is huge at Costless, so when I heard the
new space was being nicknamed the "dark side" by our staff, it kind of bothered
me. So, officially I announced the new space was to be forever known as...
"The Bright Side." A little positive suggestion seems to go a long way and
staff get it. Even the smallest grain of negativity can erode our Work Happy
positive work environment.
Can't wait to stick more Post-Its on the walls in out next
planning session!
Monday, August 6, 2012
Recruiting MASHUP - Craigslist vs LinkedIn vs Paid Recruiters
At Costless, we are continuing to add more senior staff as we grow.
Sometimes we are able to advance people within our organization - this is our
first option - but if no candidate exists, we need to look outside. Currently we
have postings: a Marketing Manager, Merchandising Manager and a Sales Manager.
So, where do we find great A Player candidates? I'm currently trying 3
1. Craigslist
2. LinkedIn
3. Corporate Recruiter
1. Craigslist - in the past we have had some success with posting here. We
try to make sure the job ad is very clear: "Must include cover letter" for
example. so we can weed out all the spammers and not-so-serious candidates. For
manager positions, this is not the place A Players would hang out. So I give it a
2. LinkedIn - personally I love LinkedIn and have over 650 connections. It
has been a powerful way to build a diverse and deep pool of like minded
connections. A must for any business person. But what about recruiting? I needed
to ask around my LinkedIn network for who had done this already. The response
was overwhelmingly positive and at $299 for a 30 job posting - let's give it a
I posted the jobs and immediately received very qualified candidates. Best
part is you can see their profile on LinkedIn and who in your network they are
connected to. There was nowhere to hide - I could see everything about them and
that saved us tons of time in the shortlist process. Our job ads were viewed by
hundreds, replied by many dozens and we interviewed a healthy handful.
I give LinkedIn an A 4 Awesome!
3. Corporate Recruiters - I'm very fortunate to have a good friend who owns
Titan Recruiting, so I know I'm getting their best efforts in finding me an A
Player. I gave them the Sales Manager posting as I expected this to be the
hardest to fill since our requirements were the highest. Although recruiters
charge 30% of the first year salary for a placement, I know there is a
right time to use them. In our case, it's to help us find a sales manager who
will get us over the 20 million in sales mark. The recruiter assists with us and
determines a perfect candidate profile, then seeks out that person. Although
expensive, if they deliver, it's worth every penny. I'll also give Recruiters an
A 4
****Follow Up September 4th, 2012***
We have filled all three positions!
- Merchandising Manager was a promotion internally - that was super
- Marketing Manager was found thru LinkedIn - a former Electronic Arts
employee and Marketing Consultant who is going to really ramp up our on and
offline marketing efforts.
- Sales Manager was located thru the recruiter - a very senior level
manager who has build teams of over 600 people and is also a
customer service coach in her spare
So there you have it - Recruiting MASHUP Summer 2012 is in the bag. We are
locked and loaded for our $20M sales climb!
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Doing the right thing feels good!
Sometimes life tests you to do the right thing, and today was no exception.
We filled up our boat with gas at a small dock on Shuswap Lake and the
experience did not go smoothly. The dock and old gas pump are part of a
restaurant on shore. There was no attendant on the dock or any signs, so we were
unclear how to purchase gas. After wandering around the docks and then up to the
restaurant we were told someone would come turn on the pump. It took a while but
a young guy came down and got things started. He was a local kid and the
dishwasher at the restaurant. He said the restaurant had been very slow this
season, and the few staff who still had jobs were doing double and triple
After our fellow completed filling our tank, my wife followed him up to the
restaurant to pay. While she was gone, I looked at the old gas pump with the
rolling style numbers and noticed it read - $81.76 and 124 litres. Hmm, that's a
great price for gas at 65¢ per liter. There must be a mistake, it should be
$181.76 ($1.46 per litre). I bet dollars to doughnuts the kid will read it wrong
and under charge us. So when Sandy came back, I asked for the receipt - yup $81.76
- the kid under charged us $100.
I decided to go up to the restaurant myself to sort it out. I didn't want the
kid to get in trouble, after all I was the one distracting him with questions
about his summer and the restaurant while he filled us up.
At the restaurant, I hunted down the owner and explained the situation, making sure to note the kid made an easy mistake. But it was the reaction form the owner that really caught me off guard. He explained how things were tight, and losing $100 from the bottom line would really ruin his day. He was choked up, and thanked me for taking the time to correct the mistake - "Most people would just drive away," he said.
Back at the boat, I told Sandy about the owner and how good it feels doing
the right thing. My 2 boys who were on board were taught a valuable lesson too, I
would say.
Now for my confession... something people close to me know
about me. Systems - I love systems in business, and when things don't go according
to systems, I get a bit irritated. That was my motivation to see the owner - To
let him know he has a BIG hole in his gas bar system. It's just my nature. I
would have never considered driving away without paying, but it sure did feel
good after knowing we did the right thing.
Now I wonder if I could go back to the owner and draw out a better system
on how to make his Gas Bar more efficient??
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Something most people don't know about me is that my wife and I have our
birthday on the same day. OK, she is younger in years but June 21st is a
birthday I don't forget. We sometimes keep things low key and other times one of
us spoils and surprises the other with something special. This was my year to be
My present was an advanced multi-day driving course at one of the top Rally Car schools in the USA. Amazingly, Dirt Fish Rally School is a mere 5 hours from Vancouver in Washington. My topic for this blog post is not about sliding 400 horsepower cars around mud tracks at high speed with a HUGE grin on my face, it's about hiring great staff.
Dirt Fish solved a lingering issue we have been pondering in our business. Let me explain. The instructors at Dirt Fish were just incredible, incredible brand ambassadors, teachers, sales people and all round nice guys that made the students feel welcome and at ease. Most of all Dirt Fish has found exceptional rally drivers with a passion for their sport and craft.
I think we could learn something from the Dirt Fish staffing model when hiring. They have found staff with "Will and Skill", People with passion and purpose. Staff who live the brand and love where they work. If you have heard the term FLOW, they are living it all day.
Leaving Dirt Fish after an exhausting but exhilarating several days I thought about how others perceive where they work, are they ever in FLOW, truly working happy in an inspired environment like the instructors at Dirt Fish? And how could we improve our company to create more of that kind of environment. For the drive home I had just the audio book to help answer that question - DRIVE by Daniel Pink. I'll keep you posted on what I learn and implement.
My present was an advanced multi-day driving course at one of the top Rally Car schools in the USA. Amazingly, Dirt Fish Rally School is a mere 5 hours from Vancouver in Washington. My topic for this blog post is not about sliding 400 horsepower cars around mud tracks at high speed with a HUGE grin on my face, it's about hiring great staff.
Dirt Fish solved a lingering issue we have been pondering in our business. Let me explain. The instructors at Dirt Fish were just incredible, incredible brand ambassadors, teachers, sales people and all round nice guys that made the students feel welcome and at ease. Most of all Dirt Fish has found exceptional rally drivers with a passion for their sport and craft.
I think we could learn something from the Dirt Fish staffing model when hiring. They have found staff with "Will and Skill", People with passion and purpose. Staff who live the brand and love where they work. If you have heard the term FLOW, they are living it all day.
Leaving Dirt Fish after an exhausting but exhilarating several days I thought about how others perceive where they work, are they ever in FLOW, truly working happy in an inspired environment like the instructors at Dirt Fish? And how could we improve our company to create more of that kind of environment. For the drive home I had just the audio book to help answer that question - DRIVE by Daniel Pink. I'll keep you posted on what I learn and implement.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Washington, DC
Away from sunny Vancouver this week and off to Washington DC for the SP Richards
supplier conference. This year I have Nabil, our VP of Finance and Operations,
with me for a jam packed five days of learning, socializing and some R&R.
The conference is a highlight in the office products industry and brings together thousands of independent stationers and suppliers. Together we share information about customers, the economy and technology. This year, it felt like there was a focus on "grass roots," back-to-basics service and selling. Service and relationships with customers seems to be the main thrust right now in differentiating small companies from the large national players in the office products industry. Over the past several years the focus has been on technology and social media and although it's vitally important office products dealers master these skills, they are not the differentiators against big box competitors that service could be.
Washington was a welcome destination for a conference and a city I had always wanted to visit. Nabil and I took advantage of our down time by getting away from the massive Gaylord National complex we were staying at and visiting many of the famous sites "DC" has to offer.
A few highlights for us were Alexandria - one of the oldest cities in America, preserved like a flash back in time, and the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum - simply amazing is all I can say. Did you know there are numerous Smithsonian Museums in DC and all are free to access?
DC was... inspiring for me. My take away learning was to continue focusing on innovation and the future while respecting and learning from your past.
The conference is a highlight in the office products industry and brings together thousands of independent stationers and suppliers. Together we share information about customers, the economy and technology. This year, it felt like there was a focus on "grass roots," back-to-basics service and selling. Service and relationships with customers seems to be the main thrust right now in differentiating small companies from the large national players in the office products industry. Over the past several years the focus has been on technology and social media and although it's vitally important office products dealers master these skills, they are not the differentiators against big box competitors that service could be.
Washington was a welcome destination for a conference and a city I had always wanted to visit. Nabil and I took advantage of our down time by getting away from the massive Gaylord National complex we were staying at and visiting many of the famous sites "DC" has to offer.
A few highlights for us were Alexandria - one of the oldest cities in America, preserved like a flash back in time, and the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum - simply amazing is all I can say. Did you know there are numerous Smithsonian Museums in DC and all are free to access?
DC was... inspiring for me. My take away learning was to continue focusing on innovation and the future while respecting and learning from your past.
Landing in Washington DC - Holy cow, our plane sure flies close to the White House |
You gotta love cool history like this - time for a beer! |
Alexandria - Beautiful architecture in this 300 year old town |
300 year old French restaurant for dinner (The wine was not quite that old) |
Smithsonian Air and Space Museum - I could spend a week here! |
Oh Canada! |
Friday, July 6, 2012
Squeeze the Orange
Seems my artistic talents are not ready for the art gallery but the staff
seemed to love the white board session I held today.
The story time we had today was about a rocket ship that ran on orange
juice. We all were responsible for squeezing the oranges to keep the ship moving
faster and faster to our goal of the New World!!
The idea was to cement everyone around the concept that this company is run
by a group called WE and not ME. We all matter and when some people are not
giving their 100% it can effect all of us and the outcome of our goals. Like in
any business we all want to come to work and be surrounded with others who are
pulling their weight and contributing as much as you are. If a company does not
set the standard for excellence then it will be the A players who leave because
they are working with C players.
This fun session was a way to show as a company we are all on the rocket
ship together heading to a new exciting future and we only want people on the
journey who love getting up every morning for the ride and the reward. This is
something we talk about a lot at Costless - if you are not happy, it's ok to find
a place where you can be happy. We always want to have this discussion openly
and boldly with all our staff and in return our staff feel open to let us know
what we can do to make their journey here at Costless the happiest it can
I wouldn't have it any other way and I would be heart brokered to know a
staff member hated coming to work at Costless every or any day. We just want to
Work Happy.
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